• Name

    [DATA EDITED] it's REV!!!!

  • Age


  • Gender

    Cis Male

  • Sexuality

    Strictly Gay

  • Orientation

    Demi Homo/Aromantic

  • Species


  • Occupation


  • Current Location


incredibly charismatic, a joy to talk to, you'll have the best time of your life with him in bed as long as you're a hot, buff guy. that's usually the last thing people think of him before they end up as dog feed.

he's usually pretending he's okay, he's had an entire life's practice of it. no one questions you when you're smiling.

hella flirtatious, won't stop making advances if he thinks a dude is hot. there's underlying reasons for his promiscuous behavior. he won't tell you what they are, though.

he does have shreds of humanity left in him, he's just... incredibly broken. it's like picking up pieces of shattered pottery and recognizing part of the design that once was. he's not a psychopath, he's just disturbed.

whore and stripper at the local gay bar at day, serial killer at night.

currently resides within a large settlement somewhere with his younger twin, Ren. where, exactly? hell if i know. what we do know is that he's the main attraction where he works.

he regularly brings in the caps by playing with the hearts of men. the unfortunate part about that is that they'll never have his. he's never been interested in that.

on his days off, he tends to wander the wasteland outside of the perimeter of the settlement looking for travellers. you would be mistaken if you think he's looking for clients.

this is where his serial killer side comes in. Rev is not against just killing someone and taking their entire inventory. he'll avoid caravans and merchants that are heavily guarded enough, he's not that stupid.

he's not really in it for the money, though. he's a sick fuck and gets off on murder. while he may be charismatic and sweet during business hours, at night in the wasteland is where his true colors show.

why on earth would you want this guy in your party? he'll probably kill you.

regardless, you probably could recruit him after a questline with him and his brother. if you really want, i guess.

Affinity Chart


  • Murder
  • Seeing the male Player Character nude
  • Violent options
  • Killing cats


  • Healing Dogmeat with a Stimpak
  • Stealing
  • Sarcastic/Rude dialogue (left/right option)
  • Chem usage
  • Alcohol usage


  • Hurting children
  • Hurting Dogmeat
  • Being rude to Ren


  • Agreeable dialogue (down option)
  • Joining the Minutemen
  • Joining the Brotherhood of Steel
  • Helping civilians for no pay (except children)

Companion AI


here's a couple of things he might say when traveling with him.