My Little Murderer


A pony whose destiny is to be himself, no matter what. His cutie mark didn't appear until he was well an adult stallion.

Nopony could blame him, after all. With a father like that, it wasn't his fault he was stifled from discovering who he was.

Being a blank flank sucks, but nopony was brave enough to pick on him for it. After all, with that amount of strength he could crush anypony's skull under one hoof.

His previous name was Red Pierrot. Don't call him that, you might get your flank handed to you.

Full Name Crimson Skull Pony Type Earth
Gender Cis Male Orientation Strictly Gay
Age 28 Occupation "Entertainment"

Cutie Mark

How'd you get this mark, pony?

Did you hold your father's head down in the water for too long? Did you shatter his skull under your hoof?

The moment this symbol appeared on your flank, you knew your destiny was to be yourself at any cost. He can't stop you from being the pony you were always meant to be.



Charismatic, a joy to talk to, but he hides a dark secret... actually, several. It's a bad idea to talk to this pony. Don't make eye contact.


Definitely not a story that you would expect for a kid's show. Let's not get too detailed. His father was awful and as a result Rev ended up the way he is. Let's just say, his father made good pig feed.


Friendship is magic, after all.


Design Notes