this page is a mess until i figure things out. enjoy text walls.


there isn't anything to warn for these guys.
while the Lunar Church no longer exists after the end of the first arc, it was what ruled the entire region. everyone under them had to bend the knee otherwise suffer consequences. as their name implies, they primarily used lunar magic.


twin sister of Helena. works as Sebastien's advisor... or used to, until he tried to annihilate the world. now she has a grudge against him for getting her sister killed in his mad rage.


twin sister of Selena. used to be seargant major of the Lunar Church's army. died a valiant warrior in the final incursion during Sebastien's power trip.


there isn't anything to warn for these guys.
the mortal enemy of the Lunar Church and a shadow mafia. as that implies, they used shadow magic to their advantage. they no longer exist after being wiped out under Sebastien's rule.


a suspicious man with green hair in his forties who worked for La Populace. dealt with informational warfare, but his loyalty was something very questionable. behind his carefree personality, he suffered from his failure to guide his twin brother, Draco, away from his demise.

he was the closest thing to a father figure to Tes when the latter was in high school. unfortunately, in an attempt to sabotage La Populace in an act of what he deemed a necessary action, he died in the resulting explosion.

when he was still alive, he was missing a pinkie finger. he lost it as punishment for supporting Draco in his personal endeavor that went against what La Populace wanted. he never told Tes why he lost it outright, but the documents he left behind explained it all.

Tes still has Boris' ouroboros bracelet on him to this day and has not overcome his death. Boris gave it to him because he no longer wanted to suffer over his twin brother, who once had a matching bracelet with him.


an elite bodyguard for Eugene, the head of La Populace. he excels at swordplay, particularly a rapier. his usage of shadow magic combined with his agility made him a deadly weapon... until he decided his heart belonged to a hitman among their ranks. that man was Doberman.

Eugene did not like this, that his most deadly weapon now had eyes for someone else. that meant he could no longer fully control him to do his bidding.

what happened, exactly? well...


an elite hitman who worked for La Populace. skilled with a katana and shadow magic, could off dozens of people in a day if he so wished. he was the very hitman who offed Sebastien's mother, Francine.

Sebastien's sheer heartbreak and wailing never left Doberman's mind, so much so that he had a mental break over it and confided to his lover, Draco. he had killed many people in the wake of his career, but something about Sebastien's gutteral, pained sobs from his very soul affected Doberman so deeply that it disturbed him to the core.

one day, it got too much for him and Doberman left for the Lunar Church in an attempt to seek reconciliation for his sins. they took advantage of his broken psyche to completely brainwash him into an entirely different person, working for them.

unfortunately, this led Doberman and Draco to duel once they crossed paths again, as La Populace was a major enemy of the Church. as much as Draco begged Doberman to put down his sword and talk it out, Doberman insisted he did not remember him. they ended up killing each other, or rather... Draco killed Doberman first, then realizing his heartbreak, decided to join him in his demise.


Jonathan and Penny might be pseudo-incestuous.
these guys play a role in the overall plot or are supporting characters, but aren't necessarily in a faction.


younger sister of Infinity. she did all she could to try to stop her elder sister from blotting out the sun. in doing so, she created many time loops and alternate universes. she has never been able to forge a timeline that would save her sister and the world from eternal darkness. and so, we all live under the moonlight's saving grace.

she's two centuries old. temporal magic keeps the body rather youthful.


Tes' pet shadow. he's basically a feral dog with semi-sentience. super clingy, loves cuddles and rubbing himself on his favorite people. cannot communicate via speech, barks and whines as well as makes demonic growling noises. bites a lot whether he likes you or not.

is Penny's mate.


Sebastien's pet shadow, comprised of both shadow and lunar magic. he's basically a feral cat with semi-sentience. very quiet and shy, hates strangers. his mouth is barely open, but he has even sharper teeth than Jonathan... and bigger claws.

is Jonathan's mate.


an average fellow coming from a very troubled household. his method of dealing with his problems was to take them out on others around him during middle and high school. despite the history he had with Desmond and his friend group, he's doing fine today and making a life for himself away from his abusive family.

in the end, neither Desmond or him were any different in their upbringing. not everyone makes the steps to grow past their trauma and abuse, but he did. that's worth something, isn't it?