Sweet Tea
Oh, Sébby!
I bought you your favorite childhood tea! Y'know, the honey kind. You've always liked this blend.
Ah... I, um, appreciate it.
What's wrong, hun?
You'd get so happy whenever I would bring home a box. We'd have tea over the table together with... Oh.
She's gone now. She doesn't have to be in our lives anymore.
Thank you for going out of your way to get me this, dear brother. It means a lot to me.
I should've thought about that. I'm sorry, Séb.
No, it's alright. I've overcome our mother's death a long time ago.
She hasn't been relevant to me for years.
But... isn't that why you became Archbishop? And, well... did all that? To avenge her?
It was when I first entered the political scene. My goals were fueled with spite and vengeance for those wronged.
But in the end what ultimately drove me mad was not having you around. I shouldn't have left that office and I should have listened to you.
I couldn't accept that I was wrong about her and I realized it far too late. You were the only one left of our family and I-I just... I hurt so many-
Hey... It's okay, hun. It's all in the past now.
I love you, Séb. What happened doesn't matter anymore, okay? The past doesn't define you.
We're here now together. How about we have some tea?
... I love you too, Tes.
Yes... I think I would like to have some with you.