Sébastien Harley

"Give a broken person a chance to be human,
and they'll start to become one again."

Child of the Moon


  • cis male
  • 6'6" feet
  • 27 years



you will see nsfw here.
like, straight up porn.
don't enter if you're under 18.

Sébastien is incredibly fucked up due to trauma. this is not an excuse for his actions.

he was the main antagonist for the first arc and therefore has done awful things from a place of hurt, irredeemable in the eyes of some.

his bio includes:


  • nonsexual grooming by a parent
  • pseudo-genocide (unrelated to racism)
  • blackmailing to suicide
  • psychological/emotional abuse
  • sexual assault
  • violence, gore & death


  • twincest marriage
don't continue if this makes you uncomfortable. otherwise, feel free to proceed.


The moon always forgives.

I hope to be worthy of it one day.

the moonlight has always guided me when i was a young child.
i found myself drawn to the allure of its beauty.


NAME Sébastien Harley ALIASES Séb, Sébby, Moonchild
GENDER cis male, tolerates she/her ORIENTATION asexual,
RELATIONSHIP married to Tes SPECIES lunar corrupted human
AGE 27 HEIGHT 6'6" feet on heels, 6'2" without
BIRTHDAY Nov 8th ALIGNMENT lawful evil → true neutral
MUSIC GENRES chant religieux, epic orchestra, church choir, piano ballad ASSOCIATED INSTRUMENT harp
OCCUPATION librarian & protector of an archive PLAYLIST youtube
scorpio scorpio scorpio
POSITION bottom ROLE dominant
GENITALS 7.5" dick LIBIDO low

even as i lost my way, the moon has never failed me.
i tore off its skin and pretended to be god.



  • tea
  • romance novels
  • sentimentality & nostalgia


  • uncouthness
  • weakness
  • bigotry or ignorance

and yet, it finds the strength to forgive me. the moon and i are now one.
i swear to use this power for good, instead of carrying out my wrath.


Sébastien is described as having an intense aura to him. he has emotions that will overwhelm even himself. while this makes him a force to be reckoned with, it also means he does everything with all of his heart.

he'll go to the ends of hell and back several times over if it means he will achieve what he's set his mind on. he's absurdly powerful, but his lack of control is his biggest downfall. his emotions rule him, he doesn't rule over his emotions.

very motherly and nurturing, he got it from his own mother. unfortunately, she was not a good person. call him mommy if you want him to clobber you.

can sometimes be found crying over dramatic yaoi fanfics in his own room. just enter at your own risk, you might get lunar glass shards thrown your way.


Sébastien grew up a very sweet boy alongside his twin brother Jonathan, their father Joshua, and their very controlling mother, Francine. regardless, he loved his family, especially his ma... and oh boy, did she take advantage of this.

he would listen to whatever his ma told him, he was basically her puppet and emotional dumping grounds. Sébastien is very quick to latch onto people, and she made sure she was the only one who mattered in his life.

their biological father, Joshua Harley, was a private investigator and detective. Joshua tried very hard to get Sébastien away from Francine, but she would always pull him back. Joshua never got to helping the kids, because Francine convinced herself Joshua was cheating on her and hired a hit on him to have him buried when the kids were only ten.

later on during Jonathan and Sébastien's young adult years, Francine became involved with a shadow mafia by the name of La Populace and had previous relationships with their members. in fact, she dated a man by the name of Henri, who was an important figure among their ranks.

he cheated on her, and being the horrible person she was, she hired a hit on him and had him buried just like she did her previous husband. La Populace wasn't stupid. they knew it was Francine who ordered the hit and sent their own on her.

it was on a night with a full moon when the assassin came to their house and poor twenty year old Sébastien watched as he beheaded her with his katana in their living room. Jonathan hid, being the smart one. but Sébastien? he was covered in his mother's blood as he held her body and wailed the night away until the police came.

after that night, he was never the same.

the two brothers had to get themselves together; their only parent was dead and they had to move on. Sébastien and Jonathan founded their own private investigation agency together, Penumbra Covert, using their biological father's old office. the two promised that they would get to the bottom of La Populace together. Sébastien for the sake of their mother, and Jonathan for the sake of Sébastien.

in reality, Jonathan knew that Francine was awful and it never sat right how she treated Sébastien, but all he wanted was closure for his twin brother. he would do anything if it meant Sébastien would find peace and move on.

Sébastien began taking some very sketchy requests behind Jonathan's back, being moved by the clients' stories of their affairs and dismays, as though he'd seen himself in them. he would blackmail cheaters and mistresses to literal death for the sake of revenge, not being different from what his mother was.

Jonathan confronted Sébastien and it resulted in a fight between the two twins. Jonathan revealed that Francine was the one who sent the hit on their father, Joshua, which Sébastien did not take well at all.

Sébastien walked away from that conflict and it was the last time Jonathan ever saw him for years. when Jonathan returned to the office and checked their home, Sébastien was nowhere to be seen. he'd taken nearly everything he deemed he owned and went his own way.

after the fight the two brothers had, Sébastien headed to the Lunar Church. if he wanted change, he'd do it within the system. he tried very hard to forget about Jonathan, with questionable results.

during this time, he stayed with his friends, Selena and Helena. both looked up to him since their childhood and were eager to help him in his plight. he spent nearly six years working up the ranks, pulling strings and using his abilities in informational warfare to knock out competitors with their help. this man knew what he was doing, and soon enough he became Archbishop of the Church and she became his advisor. Helena became sergeant major of their army.

and what did he do with this newfound power? pull even more strings with his position to pass a law that stated that all who practiced shadow magic must be punished by death out of sheer rage. no one would be hurt by shadow magic ever again, like he was when it took away his mother.

eventually, he did take down La Populace, indirectly with Tes' help. Sébastien never forgot about Tes even during the years they were apart.

Jonathan (or rather now, "Tes"), was practicing shadow magic at the time. Sébastien knew this and a secondary purpose of passing that law was to draw Tes out of hiding and punish him for not being there for him when he needed it. he knew Tes was too smart to let himself get killed by some dumb cops.

oh, and he made gay marriage legal and abolished arranged marriage. that's about the only good thing he did as Archbishop. Desmond, his childhood best friend, was very happy about that.

eventually Sébastien snapped, his unhinged wrath reaching a breaking point. the only person who could convince him to step down was his brother, but unfortunately Tes was extremely hesistant and violently so.

it's a long, winded story, but the climax ended with Sébastien metaphorically tearing off the skin of the Moon and wearing it, trying to play god. it says something when Sébastien is literally so powerful that his mind overpowered a thing that is supposedly a deity.

Desmond had to convince Tes to face his younger twin, nearly getting killed in the process by an enraged Tes in his shadow form. Desmond, who also had a younger twin who he dearly loved, told Tes that he understood what it was like, and it wasn't just Sébastien's life at stake, but the entire world's. Tes would soon come back after a cigarette to help take down Sébastien from his power trip.

if it weren't for Tes, the mob would've had Sébastien's head on a pike. can you blame them after all he'd done? but Tes wouldn't let that happen. he disappeared with Sébastien, and that was the last time the general public has ever seen the Archbishop.

a very fucked up subplot happened when Sébastien was a young adult:

Francine, his mother, got him a job as a secretary to her fifty year old friend, Adrien (who was also Desmond and Daniel's father). Adrien sexually assaulted him, forcing him to basically pretend to be a girl because he wanted a pretty lady as his assistant... otherwise, he would blackmail his mother if he'd let anything out. Sébastien couldn't let that happen.

so he played along, wearing a skirt, heels, and lipstick. he would then learn how to moan like a lady in bed, because that's what this sick pervert wanted. he would do anything if it meant keeping his mother safe.

but Sébastien was never a submissive person in the first place. he'd purposely speak masculine, remind Adrien very firmly that he was a man whenever they got it on, and adopt male mannerisms. it wasn't enough, so Sébastien began to return fire and blackmailed Adrien literally so hard that the man ended himself.

that was the moment when Sébastien realized he had the power to bury people with just words, and boy did he use them from then on.

the most fucked up part? is that Francine didn't care that Sébastien began wearing women's apparel more often all of a sudden. she always wanted a daughter.


DEMIGOD he basically has the power of a demigod by this point, having combined with the Moon. while he isn't as strong as he was in the climax of the first arc, he still inherits its leftover powers. he could vaporize a person in seconds with a moon beam if he so wished without a second thought.
LUNAR GLASS MANIPULATION his powers mainly revolve around the manipulation of glass and lunar magic.
SERENITY he has a lunar staff that he can summon and desummon by the name of Serenity. this staff is used for offensive oriented magic.
NOX AETERNA he has a lunar tome alongside his staff that he has named Nox Aeterna. it literally just means eternal night. this tome is used for support and healing magic.
CASTING SPELLS he can cast spells without the use of either of his weapons, but his spells are weaker without them.
LEVITATION he floats a few inches off the ground to get around, in fact he rarely ever walks. he can also levitate items and people to him if he so pleased.
POWERFUL VOICE has a rich, powerful voice that seems to command as he speaks. he uses lunar magic to enhance its acoustics. it makes sense, as he used to be Archbishop of the Lunar Church. he was in charge of basically the entire region and needed a voice that could command an entire nation.
ALTERED BIOLOGY his body is a lunar husk of what it once was and therefore he does not need to consume food to survive.
FLUFFY WINGS he has wings that allow him to fly. they're quite large and fluffy. he can summon them at will, but cannot hide them on a full moon.
SHEER RAGE his anger will always overrule any sort of pain he's feeling, even if it's a lost limb or searing flesh. it's just that powerful combined with lunar magic, as such magic is fueled by emotion. he has little to no control over his sheer rage and it should not be underestimated. his powers are nigh uncontrollable when he's enraged, so much that his footsteps glass the ground as he walks.
ONE WITH THE MOON he and the Moon have combined into one entity when Sébastien overtook its mind to transform. they have found peace with one another and now think as one. the full moon invigorates and brings out his full potential, if he's riled up during a full moon his powers are nigh uncontrollable.


CROSSDRESSES Sébastien crossdresses a lot. it's not a kink or fetish, it's just his fashion.
BLUE BLOOD his blood is a bluish teal. it solidifies into glass if exposed to air for too long.
FEMININE FIGURE he's got a nice, slender body and nice hips. it's easy to mistake him or his brother for a woman.
SECLUDED GETAWAY currently lives in an isolated frozen wasteland. he lives in a cabin with an extended library and guards a wealth of information and books that Tes gives him to protect, knowing they'd be safest with Sébastien.
FANFIC WRITER writes fanfiction. he won't tell you what of, he's very embarrassed about it. (it's all sappy romantic stuff.)
CHORISTER used to attend choir. he has a very resonating and soft singing voice. he and Tes used to write songs together, Tes being the one to provide the guitar while Seb provided his voice.
PET SHADOW after Sébastien had his redemption arc, he began experimenting with shadow magic and turned his shadow sentient. his name is Penny, short for penumbra. he is comprised of both lunar and shadow magic. he's basically a really shy cat.



[husband & older twin]

"My sweet brother and my lovely wedded husband... Sometimes you are so insufferable. But I've long since learned to love that from you.

You are the night sky to my moon; you're all the stars that dot the sky. The adoration I have for you is limitless like the vast reaches of space.

You're my better half, completing every aspect I fall short in. I will be by your side every step of our immortal lives. This was meant to be."


Desmond Pierre

[childhood best friend]

"Desmond, my dear friend. Together, we have seen the weakness, vulnerability, and emotional wavering the two of us have endured as children. Because of this, I feel very closely intertwined with you.

The world never deserved your unyielding altruism and kindness. You were one of the very few who had it in your heart to give me a second chance. I am utterly grateful for your forgiveness despite the sins I have committed.

I only wish you the best with your family. That was the only thing I wanted when I first set out on my path for change in this world. Please, be safe... and may the moon watch over you."


Daniel Pierre

[childhood friend]

"Daniel... brother of Desmond. I also relate, being the designated "younger" twin of my brother.

Desmond cares about you deeply, in ways you might not even know. He loves you, even when you don't think he does. Conflict between brothers is to be expected and he would never allow something so trivial to ruin what you both have.

Fret not, Daniel. Please don't let your fears rule you. You have the inner strength to change this world. If you had enough of it to take down me at my worst, you can do anything you set your mind and heart to."


Jonathan Harley


"You... You disturb me. I find it very hard to believe you are the spitting image of my brother.

You're nothing like him. Neither is your psychopath of a brother who apparently is my counterpart.

Please consider getting intense therapy."


Dante Harley

[counterpart, hatred]

"Disgusting. I refuse to acknowledge your existence."




"You are definitely not Desmond despite the fact you have his face.

The Desmond I know would never fall to such depraved acts to entertain himself.

I urge you to seek the help you need... provided you aren't past the point of return."




"Poor sweet thing, what have they done to you?

Seeing your face, Daniel's face, contorted in fear and sadness breaks my heart. Is this what he would look like if he had no front to protect himself with?

Your brother will protect you, but please don't let it keep you from growing."




"You are not nearly as intimidating as the others say you are. They simply just don't understand you.

Despite your... sadistic tendencies, you have humanity and a good head on your shoulders. We may function the opposite in regards to logic versus emotion, but we can somehow still see eye to eye.

I appreciate your presence and I look forwards to having tea time with you again."


Wesley Columbina


"You're a sweet one behind that promiscuous veil of yours. Does it catch others by surprise when you show that motherly side of yours?

I'm sure my brother was. You dated him in high school, after all. It probably made him recoil.

Whatever it is... I'm glad you and him are on good terms, now."


Damien Adler


"I suppose I feel some pity for your situation.

Creative works are nothing without the heart put into it. I hope you can unlearn your artificially inclined process and reclaim your humanity."



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Unicorn Twins 2

JUN 19/24


MAY 23/24


MAY 07/24


MAY 06/24


MAY 03/24


APR 21/24

Listen To Me

APR 20/24

Pin Feather

APR 05/24


APR 03/24


APR 02/24

Traced Dick

MAR 31/24

Game Night

MAR 29/24

Hot Moment

JAN 25/24

Nip Slip

JAN 21/24


DEC 19/23

For Too Long

DEC 07/24

Old Ref

DEC 04/23


NOV 15/23


NOV 04/23

I'm Still You

SEP 15/23

Your End

SEP 05/23


SEP 03/23

8 Phases

SEP 02/23

Alter's Enemy

AUG 23/23

Two Of Us

AUG 19/24

One Of Me

AUG 18/23