As Far As I Know,

This Is Home

Punk Rock Jester

so why are you here?

Updates Affiliates

JUL 05 2024 - recoded the entire site. now it's responsive on mobile.
JUL 04 2024 - made Yourspace (compact general page template).
JUL 02 2024 - made Boundaries (role play comfort template).
JUN 18 2024 - opened the Tea House.
JUN 17 2024 - made Anecdote (ao3 inspired fic hub template) and Friendship (mlp oc template).
JUN 15 2024 - rewrote Tes' and Sébastien's profiles.
JUN 14 2024 - what the fuck is going on
if you want to be here, just ask.
linking back to me is optional.


office of mach | vex's neocities | killjoy's neocities


you can chat here, ask for css/html support, etc. i occasionally check back.

if you just wanna leave a comment, consider using the guestbook instead.

nsfw is not allowed.

Link Back

if you want to link back to this hellhole, here you go.