
"Go ahead, throw your punches.
You can't hit me harder than dad's belt."

Still At Large


  • cis male
  • 6'0" feet
  • 28 years


  • ENFP
  • 8 wing 7
  • choleric / melancholic
  • sagittarius-capricorn

Alternate Universes


you will see nsfw here.
like, straight up porn.
don't enter if you're under 18.

Rev is incredibly fucked up from trauma and deals with it in very unhealthy ways.
his profile includes:


  • toxic masculinity trauma
  • homophobia trauma
  • parental psychological / physical abuse
  • self harm (cutting)


  • homicide
  • co-dependency
  • reclaimed f slur
  • noncon
  • twincest
  • breeding / mpreg
don't continue if this makes you uncomfortable. otherwise, feel free to proceed.


Are you proud of me, father?

Is this who you wanted me to become?

i'll never be what you wanted me to be.
you've died trying to force your image on me.


NAME Desmond Pierre ALIASES "Rev"
GENDER cis male ORIENTATION strictly gay,
demi homo-aromantic
RELATIONSHIP poly with Ren and Ridley. SPECIES human
AGE 28 HEIGHT 6'0" feet
BIRTHDAY Dec 19th ALIGNMENT neutral evil
MUSIC GENRES punk rock, heavy metal, emo rock ASSOCIATED INSTRUMENT distorted guitar; heavy metal bass
OCCUPATION prostitute, serial killer PLAYLIST youtube
sagittarius-capricorn cusp scorpio aries
POSITION switch ROLE dominant
GENITALS 9.5" dick LIBIDO hypersexual

with my psyche shattered, i'll carry on without you.
as i pick up the shards, i cut myself on them.



  • cigarettes
  • cute, buff men
  • parties


  • sweets
  • prudes
  • weak willed people

i'm a million pieces; i'm bleeding from my arms.
but that's still better than listening to you.


incredibly charismatic, a joy to talk to, you'll have the best time of your life with him in bed as long as you're a hot, buff guy. that's usually the last thing people think of him before they end up as dog feed.

he's usually pretending he's okay, he's had an entire life's practice of it. no one questions you when you're smiling.

hella flirtatious, won't stop making advances if he thinks a dude is hot. there's underlying reasons for his promiscuous behavior. he won't tell you what they are, though.

he does have shreds of humanity left in him, he's just... incredibly broken. it's like picking up pieces of shattered pottery and recognizing part of the design that once was. he's not a psychopath, he's just disturbed.


whore and stripper at the local gay bar at day, serial killer at night.

spent about almost three decades of his life trying to conform to his conservative father's expectations, the latter who would attempt to beat the queerness out of him. it was only recently Rev snapped and decided he had enough.

he knocked his father out with a weight, only to panic and realize if he left him to wake up he would get his face smashed in. what did he do? he dragged him to his basement and did unspeakable torturous things before letting his father bleed out to death.

however, he also now realized that there was no one to stop him from doing whatever he wanted. unfortunately, years of ingrained homophobia being literally beat into him has subconsciously convinced him that his queerness was depraved and perverted. his coping mechanism? double down on that, be who he couldn't be all these years.

something in his sick mind correlated his father's gruesome murder with his sexuality, hence why he's out there murdering people to chase the rush of his first kill.

nowadays? he has that sick smile on his face all the time - he's never smiled so much in his life. he's happy that he's free to be himself, but at what cost?


COLORBLIND a car accident in his late teens put him in a several week coma. it gave him total achromatopsia (complete colorblindness) and a personality change.
PIERCINGS he has spider bite piercings on the left side of his bottom lip. these are optional, i forget them all the time.
THIGH GAP he's got a thigh gap and wide hips. you just can't see it very well because his dick and balls are fucking huge.
CHOICE OF WEAPON his choice of weapon is usually a gun or knife, but he'd rather be the weapon than bring one. regularly works out to keep fit, knows a bit of combat. have to be prepared when you're wrangling buff dudes to snuff out.
INSOMNIAC contrary his original counterpart, Desmond (who is a narcoleptic), he is an insomniac.
DELINQUENT also contrary to Desmond, who was a straight (gay) A student, Rev was a delinquent and frequently bullied and threatened other kids. it's actually quite scary considering how beefy he is.
SADIST extreme sadism. gets off on murdering others.
HYPERSEXUAL suffers from hypersexuality. if you reach into the drawers in his room the first thing you'd grab is a sex toy. i'm not joking.
SELF HARM self harms via cutting (arms mostly). scars are optional.
SELF HATRED ingrained self hatred. takes it out on himself physically.
FAVORITE COLOR blood red was his favorite color.
ALWAYS SMILING he's ALWAYS smiling. even when he absolutely shouldn't be.
HIS HUSBAND he has a husband. that's putting it very loosely. they're kind of fucked up.
NEEDS THERAPY needs therapy. badly. he won't admit it, though.
INGRAINED HOMOPHOBIA constantly feels like his opportunities were taken away because he's queer.
MUSCULAR he's quite muscular... like, beefy as hell. he has just a bit more muscle than Ren.
HE HAS A BREAKING POINT Rev had enough muscle to overpower his father. the ingrained fear kept him from fighting back until he finally snapped and killed him.
SOFT SPOT it only exists for Ren and Ridley. no one could bully Ren in school because Rev would smash their face in if they tried.



[younger twin]

"My sweet baby brother... I'll do anything to protect you.

No one will hurt you ever again.

I swear it on my grave.




"What makes you deserving of everything I have ever wanted?

Why is it that you get to live the life you want, while I'm in the gutter?

If we ever meet in person, I'll fucking kill you and take your spot."



[sick interest]

"Aw, you're kinda cute... I wonder what it'd take to break you?

I can tell you're scared of me. No point in hiding it.

Come here, cutie. I'll snap your pretty little neck after having a bit fun with you."




"You piss me off, you fucking brat.

Your ass is good as dead the next moment I lay eyes on you.

You're not gonna get away again, you little shit."




"I suppose you're cute, but you're not my type."




"I'd love to snuff you out.

But you'd like that, wouldn't you?

Put that creature of a dick away, it's disgusting."



[mortal enemy]

"I'll wring your goddamn neck out the next time I see you, stupid moon twink."




"I bet you think you're hot shit.

No wonder you hide away in a cave.

What a miserable loser."




"You're not my type, but I'm sure someone out there would find you cute enough to eat up."




"Oh, you're that stupid little shortstack.

I used to bully kids like you back in school.

Having trouble reaching the upper shelves?"



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JUN 07/24

Hush 2

MAY 18/24

That Slut

JUN 02/24

Desire Penis

JUN 02/24

Pip Boy

MAY 31/24

Smile 2

MAY 28/24


MAY 28/24


MAY 18/24

Hooker Horses

MAY 17/24


MAY 16/24

Boy Cervix

MAY 16/24

That Face

MAY 15/24

Big Bro

MAY 15/24

My Type

MAY 13/24

Kill You

MAY 13/24


MAY 12/24

Bouncy Twins

MAY 11/24

Harder Rev

MAY 10/24


MAY 09/24

Blood Splatters

MAY 04/24

I'm Fine

APR 11/24


APR 03/24


MAR 26/24

Knife Play

MAR 22/24

Cool Pose

MAR 21/24

Dare You

MAR 20/24


MAR 16/24


MAR 15/24

Old Design

MAR 14/24


MAR 14/24

15 Minutes

MAR 14/24


MAR 12/24

Face Reveal

MAR 11/24

Something More

MAR 10/24

Breed Me

MAR 07/24


MAR 06/24

First Blood

MAR 05/24