
"You're going to hurt me, aren't you?
I can tell by way you look at me. You have that predatory glint in your eyes."

Cute and Mentally Ill


  • cis male
  • 6'0" feet
  • 28 years



you will see nsfw here.
like, straight up porn.
don't enter if you're under 18.

Ren is incredibly fucked up from trauma and deals with it in very unhealthy ways.
his profile includes:


  • parental psychological / physical abuse
  • toxic masculinity trauma
  • sexual assault trauma
  • double standard sexism trauma
  • oh god the trauma and bad coping mechanisms


  • psychological abuse
  • homicide
  • co-dependency
  • quad amputation
  • dehumanization
  • twincest
  • breeding / mpreg
don't continue if this makes you uncomfortable. otherwise, feel free to proceed.


I am safe, I am loved.

We'll look out for each other.

the world is a horrible place with many horrible people.
why do people thrive off of hurting others?


NAME Daniel Pierre ALIASES "Ren"
GENDER cis male ORIENTATION homoflexible, homoromantic
RELATIONSHIP poly with Rev and Ridley. SPECIES human
AGE 28 HEIGHT 6'0" feet
BIRTHDAY Dec 19th ALIGNMENT true neutral
OCCUPATION adult camboy, malewife PLAYLIST youtube
sagittarius-capricorn cusp scorpio aries
POSITION bottom ROLE submissive
GENITALS 10.5" dick LIBIDO moderate high

what do they gain from it? if this is what people are like,
then i never want to step outside again.



  • sweets
  • cute paraphernalia
  • anything that makes him feel safe


  • people with bad vibes
  • being outside
  • loss of control

my fear is justified, it will keep me safe.
no one will ever hurt me again. i'll make sure of it.


shy, meek, never wants to talk about what's bothering him. he fears conflict, disagreement, and most importantly, being hurt.

he never truly learned how to process his fears and emotions. he's in denial of a lot of things.

very emotionally unstable. the only thing that's keeping him grounded is Rev's validation. unfortunately, he isn't always there to give that. what does Ren do in the meanwhile? cry in the corner of his room, of course.

he could put up a cute persona if he wanted to. everyone wants to fuck you if you're pretending to be an adorable himbo on the camera. it's pretty much his job.

his trauma makes him extra paranoid that people are out to hurt him. Rev's his only safety blanket. he literally cannot function without him, he's the one who keeps him safe. he trusts him with his life.

otherwise, he's a pretty sweet boy. just that no one ever gets to see that side of him anymore... except Rev and Ridley.

if you try, you'll probably get your fingers bitten off if he feels threatened in any way. approach at your discretion.


the result of toxic masculinity, sexual assault, and severe trauma. he doesn't want to talk about it. he never does.

Ren spent most of his school life and childhood being left alone by bullies because everyone was terrified of his older twin, Rev. it stayed that way until he met a certain woman.

men can be assaulted by women, too, you know. he just couldn't admit that for the longest time because it isn't a manly thing to let a woman do that to you. that's what his father says, anyway. no one would believe him even if he said anything so he carried that trauma with him for almost a decade. that's why he's so afraid of women... among other things.

the only person who believed him and let him confide was his twin brother, Rev. he quickly began to grow heavily co-dependent on him, he'd do anything to make the only person in his life who mattered happy. that would lead to cleaning up after Rev's homicides in the future.

it took a long time for Rev to ease information out of Ren. he wanted to get his perpetrator’s name so he could get revenge for him, whether Ren voiced it or not. that was the only time Rev has ever assisted in the killing of a woman.

how Ren lost his limbs is quite the gruesome story. Ren denies it even happened and believes he lost them in the car crash... that he wasn't even in. Rev might be more aware of it than Ren is...

as a result of this trauma, Ren now refuses to leave the house. he doesn't want to be put in that sort of situation again for the third time. it might be Rev's fault for sheltering him so much, but it was also because of their father. Ren just isn't healing from his traumas properly nor processing his emotions in a healthy way. he never learned how to.

nowadays, Ren spends time at home as a cam boy on an adult site while Rev does his job a bit more extrovertedly. that isn't to say that Rev doesn't also join in on Ren's streams. their fans are a bunch of twincest kinksters.


KAWAII he loves being cute. it's his aesthetic. he just couldn't be that way until recently. toxic masculinity trauma will do that to you.
UNSTABLE he's emotionally unstable. he never learned how to properly process them or his traumas because he wasn't allowed to. sadly, due to Rev's enabling, he isn't really working on them. yet.
FIGHT OR FLIGHT when threatened, his first option is always flight... until you take that away from him. he will not hesitate to viciously beat someone to a bloody pulp if it means he won't be hurt again.
AGORAPHOBIC he's terrified of being outdoors where there's no safety net. he refuses to leave without Rev by his side.
BLADE PHOBIA he has an aversion to jagged blades and saws. there's a reason why he has no burn scars or other scars despite being a quad amputee. you wanna know why?
QUAD AMPUTEE he has prosthetics. they're nearly seamless and blend into his body. it's not me being a degenerate, i swear.
CO-DEPENDENT he and Rev have an unhealthy relationship despite the fact they love each other. they both need each other but aren't working out their issues properly.
CLINGY inwardly demanding of Rev's attention, he just won't voice it. Rev pretty much treats him like a pet rather than a person most of the time.
MALEWIFE he's basically Rev's housewife and does most of the housework. he isn't exactly a chef but he does know how to cook. most of his time is spent doing chores if he's not in his room.
PROBABLY SEXIST he isn't necessarily a misogynist? i think? he's just afraid of women due to trauma and therefore acts differently around them. he won't go out of his way to interact with feminine figures and will in fact avoid them.
MASOCHISM masochist in denial. he hasn't come to terms with it.
FAVORITE COLOR pink is his favorite color.
CHASTITY CAGE sometimes wears a pink chastity cage because it's cute. how he gets his entire length inside is completely unknown.
MASCULINE he's actually quite muscular, but not as much as Rev. he also has a huge dick and a deep voice. it tends to catch people by surprise. no one expects this cutie to be so built. that being said, you don't want to take a punch from him.
INTERCHANGABLE PARTS sometimes swaps his genitalia to a pussy via magical methods. how? hell if i know.
SERIAL KILLER he's killed several people out of sheer paranoia, not because he wanted to. not as many people as Rev, but he has his victims. the first one was the person who sexually assaulted him. Rev gave him the opportunity as a revenge gift, and boy did he take it.
SWEETIE it might be stereotypical, but he's kind past his paranoid front. you might see it if he actually trusts you... which probably won't happen.



[older twin]

"I know you'll keep me safe.

You always have, even if we had our moments as siblings.

I trust you with my life."




"There... There's no way you're me.

You're popular, successful, and pretty. Everyone loves you.

Aren't you afraid of being hurt? How are you so brave?"




"Please don't hurt my brother.

He just wants to keep me safe.

Leave him alone... Leave us alone."




"I think... I think you're really cute.

I still won't drink anything you give me, though.

If you really just want to have sex, you can just ask..."




"You've been a good client, but...

I don't trust you.

Please don't do anything weird."




"You're nicer than you look.

I feel like you actually understand me.

I'm just sorry you were hurt that badly. Maybe that's why we can relate."




"You're very sweet just like my older brother.

But you're not aggressive like him. Your little brother doesn't need protecting though, does he? He's very strong.

I hope that you and Rev don't get into too many fights... I don't think you deserve that."




"Please don't come near me.

You're going to hurt me.

I can tell by your smile."




"You're not really a woman...? I'm not sure what to think.

I guess you're half of one... I don't know. You seem nice.

But so was the girl who hurt me. Please don't be like her."



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Hush 2

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Boy Cervix

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That Face

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Big Bro

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Harder Rev

MAY 10/24


MAY 09/24


APR 17/24

No Limbs

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APR 07/24


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